Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Note from the Doctor

Photo: Sander filming a stand of prayer flags high above Henan Mongol Autonomous County (August, 2010).

Dear Dr. Sue,

Sander and I were hiking down off a high hill after a photo shoot of a stand of prayer flags when he spotted a Tibetan herder's tent. Known for their mastiffs, we picked up some rocks and quietly made our way hugging a fence in case we needed to climb over (or crawl under) to the other side. But because of the rusty barbed wire at the top and bottom, we didn't risk climbing (or crawling) before we had to.

Photo: Prayer flags during sunset high above Henan (August, 2010).

Once we got beyond the tent, I had Sander walk in front of me in case any dogs came up from behind. Everything here is grass (no trees) and it was getting dark and we simply didn't see a strand of heavy, rusty, barbed wire hidden in front of us. Sander tripped on it and it caught him in his left Achilles heel. The wire broke the first layer of skin but did not penetrate deeply at all. We had some hand sanitizer on us, so I put down my rocks and scrubbed it immediately.

Photo: Tibetan tents in Henan (August, 2010).

We descended the hill and on our way into town stumbled upon a stupa. Curious, we stepped inside. Not wanting to exit in a counter-clockwise direction, we got sucked into the monastery deeper and deeper, and beyond the prostraters, ended up turning a few dozen prayer wheels in order to make a quick getaway. Maybe the wheel turning will help Sander, but I'd rather hear from you. We stopped at an internet cafe on our way back to our room where we will scrub Sander's wound.

Photo: Stupa at the monastery Sander and I stumbled upon after Sander cut his foot on barbed wire hidden in the grass (August, 2010).

Photo: Clockwise-spinning prayer-wheels spun by clockwise-walking pilgrims at the stupa (August, 2010).

Photo: Human-size prayer-wheels at far end of the stupa (August, 2010).

Again, it's not deep. But I would like to know if you think I need to get Sander a tetanus shot here in Greater Tibet?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Brad Houk


So cool--email from Tibet!. Sander's last booster was 5 years ago so tetanus-wise he should be fine. Make sure the area is kept clean and covered with a bandage and antibiotic ointment if you have any. I'm not sure if he is still taking antibiotics from Dr. Smith but if so, that should help. Watch for any signs of increasing redness or smelly discharge.

Photo: Prayer flags high above Henan Mongol Autonomous County after sunset (August, 2010).

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